
Sell Tickets On Stubhub Easily

Looking to sell your extra tickets but aren’t sure where you can do that? Well, we have the answer for you. Here is how you can easily sell tickets on Stubhub.

Create Your Account

Start by setting up your Stubhub account. Simply head on over to their website and set up your account by answering a few basic questions. Then you will need to make sure that the event you are trying to sell tickets for already exists in the system. If it does not, then you will need to create an event within the system.

This can be done by completing the Stubhub event request form. This will take 7 days to add to the system. So, if your event is within the next week and it is not already in their system, you may not want to use this platform to sell tickets online.

List Date of Event And Type of Ticket

After you select or create the event, you will need to list the date and the type of ticket you are selling.

You can sell, traditional paper tickets, mobile tickets, mobile transfer screenshots, transfer tickets, PDF tickets, and virtual tickets for sale. You can also list additional features of the tickets, like if they include a parking pass. As well as include where the seat of the ticket is if it is a select seating event.

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Choose Payment Method

Next, you will choose your payment method and publish your Stubhub listing. From there, Stubhub handles all the communication between buyer and seller so that you can remain anonymous. This makes it easier for you if you don’t want to have to constantly negotiate ticket prices. However, it can make it harder to communicate effectively to potential buyers.

You Can’t Sell Speculative Tickets

It is important to note that you cannot sell tickets that have not gone on sale yet. However, if you haven’t received your ticket yet but it has been purchased, you are allowed to sell it on Stubhub then.

Be sure though that your tickets are indeed transferable before listing them on Stubhub. Not all events allow you to resell your tickets.

Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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